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How to be an Economic Analyst

Jacob Kubik
By Jacob Kubik. Updated: May 31, 2018
How to be an Economic Analyst

The world of business is vast with different jobs and opportunities for companies and workers alike. One of the jobs open to individuals who like economics is an economic analyst. An economic analyst's job is to analyze economic data to create assessments of current economic activity. The information that they accumulate is used to advise companies and their investments. Basically they interpret all the economic data that can be confusing to most people and translate it into helpful information that companies can use to make accurate business decisions.

This article will go over step-by-step How to be an Economic Analyst.

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Steps to follow:


Getting the degree

The proper degree for a job is a big deal. Without the correct education doing a certain job can be very troublesome. You wouldn't want someone trained as a plumber to be your doctor for example or the other way around most likely. Proper education and training develops a person's skills so that they are fully equipped for a certain position. To be an economic analyst will need at least a bachelor's degree. The most common degree in this field would be a major in economics, but an major in finance would probably also suffice.

How to be an Economic Analyst - Step 1


To get a decent position as a economic analyst you will need to have work experience under your belt. A good way to do this is by participating in internships with companies who have an internship program. An internship is even more useful if you wish to work with the company you are interning for in the future. It is also a good idea to have internships or work experience from more than one company. this gives you a good diversity in experience and knowledge of other companies. Most employees are looking for a total work experience of about one year, so if you're under that mark you'll need to think about trying to get a bit more.


Masters Degree

Once you have the job, or even before, you may want to think about getting some more education. This would be in the form of a masters degree. Getting a masters degree is not needed, but it does give you some advantages. For instance, most companies will pay someone with a masters degree more money than those without. A masters degree will also help you qualify for upper level and management level jobs. These jobs again will tend to pay more money than those that can be procured with just a bachelors degree. Upper level college education will also make you stand out if you are looking for your first full-time position as you will be more qualified for the job than those who do not have an upper level degree.


Get the Job

After you have at least one year of work experience, a bachelors degree in a proper field, and possibly a masters degree, it's time to go find your job and become an economic analyst.

How to be an Economic Analyst - Step 4

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